Our film JONDACHI chosen in official selection in the Banff Mountain Film Festival

  • October 11, 2016
Our film JONDACHI chosen in official selection in the Banff Mountain Film Festival

So proud to announce that our film 'Jondachi' will be part of the official selection in the 2016 Banff Mountain Film Festival. In March of 2016, we shot a short film in Ecuador. It's the story of a young man on a quest for meaning and self awareness. The world premiere will take place on October 30th in Banff. Je suis tellement fière d'annoncer que notre film «Jondachi» fera partie de la sélection officielle au Festival du film de montagne de Banff 2016. En mars 2016, nous sommes allés en équateur pour tourner un court métrage à propos d'un jeune homme qui découvre la force qui l'habite à...

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Chatter Creek print gallery

  • October 7, 2016
Chatter Creek print gallery